foods 8
There is a red TTOC binder on BA's desk that contains class notes, semester plans, extra assignments, etc.
Please let Jenna know if you change the dayplan or don't get something completed so that the plan may be adjusted.
For labs, please ensure all students are
-putting up hair, apron on, hands washed
-washing counters and tables with hot soapy water before cooking
-putting books, bags, and jackets on bottom shelves of table to reduce hazards.
Important notes for Foods:
Please make sure that all food is put away at the end of the block.
Ensure laundry is switched over and that washer and dryer are started
Load or unload the dishwasher. Wipe counters, etc.
No students should be accessing the cafeteria area.
Please do your best to supervise the back hallway as well.
Week Four
October 30-Nov 3
Collect all paperwork and organize into doutangs
Complete unfinished paperwork
Spaghetti Teambuilding excercise
watch Good Eats- Muffin Man Method- this can be found in
TTOV (K:) Drive > Jull > Good Eats S07E06 The Muffin Method Man
(students have guide in their busicuit and muffin package)
Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats
Week Three
October 23-27
Take attendance and then go to the Library
Canada Food Guide Video & Exploration
Show CFG in Action Video
Complete CFG Guided Discovery Worksheets
*Please let Jenna McManus in the LLC know how far they
get so we can plan Friday accordingly.
Review Lab Procedures and Lab Duties with Students
Give blank Lab Duties sheets, have students take notes from projector
Give Lab Procedures envelopes and have students place takss into correct order.
Review as a class on projector
Time Permitting:
Work on Biscuit & Muffin Pacakage OR
Quickebread Video (DVD on trolley in 1214) & Guide
Demo: Waffles with Apple Topping
Work on Biscuit & Muffin package
Lab: Waffles with Apple Topping
Introduce new seating plan- on BA Jull's desk
Funday Lab: Cinnamon Treats
Week Two
October 16-19
Watch Measurement Video *watch twice*
Ask students just to observe the first time,
then play again asking them to complete the worksheet.
Have students wash hands and take out red trays to
complete the measurement worksheet.
Demo: Cheese Biscuits
Demonstrate recipe for students, highlighting skills from the video
and speaking to the review questions on the recipe.
Provide the amounts as you go (helps encourage ids to follow along).
Extra Time?
Review Safety and Sanitation Quiz from Friday as a class, using key.
Discuss responses with students, have them explain answers, etc.
Collect Quizzes.
Finish Equipment Introduction sheet from Friday (see below)
Lab: Cheese Biscuits
Have students keep out red trays for inspection after clean up is finished.
Check labs at the end to ensure proper clean up
Demo: Apple Muffins. See demo notes above.
Nutrient Basics Video (DVD) and Viewing Guide
Lab: Apple Muffins
Week One
October 10-14
Introductions & Getting To Know You PPT
Commonalities & Uniquities (from PPT)
Handwashing Practice- demo videos here and here
Classroom Expectations Brainstorm- personal prep, lab behaviour, teamwork, etc
Safety and Sanitation PowerPoint & Reading Guide (students take notes)
Finish Safety Memes Activity:
then have students create 4-5 safety memes of their own using these templates
Practice setting up Dish Washing area:
Hot soapy water in one sink,
Hot water with capful of bleach in the other
Drying rack out with drain over sink, not over counter
Have kids practice setting up and then draining, rinsing and drying sinks
*photocopying is complete and in the classroom*
Two students per table at long ends. Other students can sit at counters. Pull front metal tables away from demo table and put one student on each long end. No phones, no notebooks, no handing tests in with blank answers- use your critical thinking and common sense to do you best at a response. When finished, students can work quietly on the Kitchen Equipment Introduction
The need to stay quietly at their spots until everyone is finished.
Extra Time?
Watch a TedEd video or two and go through the online review questions with the class. Feel free to choose other food related TedEd videos!
Food expiration dates don’t mean what you think