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foods 10 

There is a red TTOC binder on BA's desk that contains class notes, semester plans, extra assignments, etc. 


Please let Jenna McManus (in the Library)

know if you change the dayplan or don't get something

completed so that the plan may be adjusted. 


For labs, please ensure all students are 

-putting up hair, apron on, hands washed

-washing counters and tables with hot soapy water before cooking

-putting books, bags, and jackets on bottom shelves of table to reduce hazards.


Important notes for Foods:


Please make sure that all food is put away at the end of the block.


Ensure laundry is switched over and that washer and dryer are started


Load or unload the dishwasher. Wipe counters, etc.


No students should be accessing the cafeteria area.

Please do your best to supervise the back hallway as well. 


*all of the copying is complete and in the classroom*

Detailed lesson plans are provided in the classroom as well. Please follow those.






Week of October 30- November 3



Complete Project & Posters

TTOC Plan from Mx. Jull




Week of October 23-27



Grocery Shopping Intro & Quiz

Demo: Popovers

YouTube: Ways to Save on Groceries



Lab: Popovers

Give safety reminders about hot oil

Complete unit checks at end of lab.

Double check red trays to make sure they look like the pics

(posted intose cupboard doors)



*pre-preperation required-

set up Tasting Lab*


Explain comparison lab. Have students complete tasting, 

taking detailed notes of their observations. 


Reveal brand vs store brands and provide costs.

Have students submit comparison worksheets



*get mobile labs from LLC*

Introduct Generic vs. Name Brand Shopping Assignment 

YouTube: How to Be a Smarter Shopper



*get mobile labs from LLC*

Work Period for Generic vs Name Brand assignment



Week of October 16-19



Leavener Experiment

Complete experiment, taking detailed observations.

Review observations as a class.


Make  dough for Cinnamon Buns



Shape and Bake Cinnamon Buns

Time Permitting- Baking for Parent Teacher Night


TedEd Lesson: The Maillard Reaction

Video and Guide. Review guide with class. 


Wednesday & Thursday

Baking cookies for parent teacher night. 







Week of October 10-14



Function of Ingredients work period

Make and store Pizza Dough



Lab: Bake and Eat Pizza



Demo & Review Questions:

Chicken Pot Pie with a Biscuit Crust

Extra time- kids can start chopping carrots & onions. Label and store. 



Lab: Finish, Bake and Eat Chicken Pot Pie

Please see lab notes above.

Chicken is pre cooked and in a metal insert in the fridge. (half a breast each pair)

Peas are in the freezer. Milk is in the fridge. 







Week of October 3-6



Functions of Ingredients Experiment 

(in this lab, students keep adding ingredients and making

observations until the batter makes pancakes)



*Fire Drill*

Demo: Pumpkin Scones with Spiced Glaze

Lab Review Questions (might need to google some answers)




Lab: Pumpkin Scones with Spiced Glaze




Reflection- two stars and a wish from the lab yesreday

(two things the team did well and one thing they would change or do differently next time)


Introduce Functions of Ingredients Assignment

Instruction PPT





Week of Sept 25-29



Stir fry- show video then do demo

Mis en place ppt

Plan for stir fry 



Mis en place- prep ingredients and have checked, 

Cook stir-fries



Lab Reflection- two stars and a wish from yesterdays lab

Ask groups to discuss their stirfries then share out as a class


Good Eats: Pretzel Logic & Viewing Guide

(Staff Share > Foods > Good Eats Episodes > Good Eats S11 E02 Pretzel Logic


Work on Nutrition Booklets



Demo: Pretzels

TedEd: Micro-organisms in your Food

Watch video and complete multiple choice questions as a class

Extra time- Nutrition Booklets


Lab: Pretzels

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