foods 12
There is a red TTOC binder on BA's desk that contains class notes, semester plans, extra assignments, etc.
Please let Jenna know if you change the dayplan or don't get something completed so that the plan may be adjusted.
​For labs, please ensure all students are
-putting up hair, apron on, hands washed
-washing counters and tables with hot soapy water before cooking
-putting books, bags, and jackets on bottom shelves of table to reduce hazards.
Important notes for Foods:
Please make sure that all food is put away at the end of the block.
Ensure laundry is switched over and that washer and dryer are started
Load or unload the dishwasher. Wipe counters, etc.
No students should be accessing the cafeteria area.
Please do your best to supervise the back hallway as well.
Week of October 30-November 3
Mobile Labs & LLC workspace booked
Final day of Food Production Research Assignment. Due Friday.
Lasagne & Baguettes
Food Production Presentations due
Week of October 23-27
Finish Poisioned & Guide- Review
History of Agriculture PPT and guide
Intro Food Production Assignment
Wednesday & Thursday
Food Production Assignment LLC Computer Lab
Friday Funday
Mini Cheesecakes
Week of October 16-19
Demo: Butter Chicken & Naan
Prep: Marinate Chicken, Make Naan dough
Finish and Eat Butter Chicken
Cookies for Parent Teacher Night
Week Of October 10-14
Cooked: Water
(on Netflix. See Jenna in the Library if you need help)
Complete Video Guide, then review Key with class
Mother Sauces Webquest in LLC Computer Lab
Save to H Drive as soon as you open.
Or print and complete hard copy.
Demo Fresh Pasta
Kids do day one prep for pasta and Ragu:
Make pasta dough. Allow to rest while you prep veggies for ragu.
Mince: garlic, onions, carrots, celery. Wrap, label, and store.
Roll pasta dough. Store in single layer, with noodles not touching each other, on cookie sheets with paper towel between layers. Label and store.
Complete lab:
Make Ragu, set table, etc
last minute- cook pasta (only needs about four mins)
See lab notes above.
Week of October 3-6
Tuesday, October 3
Demo and Lab: Caramelize Crème Brulee
While eating, watch Red Chef Revival: Osoyoos
Complete Reflection Questions. Discuss reflections as a class.
Clean up from lab.
Wednesday, October 4
Lab: Bannock
Optional- allow students to customize
with ingredients from the fridges.
Thursday, October 5
Today the class will watch a couple of demo videos then do prep for a lab tomorrow.
Demo Videos: Smash Burgers- Video #1 and Video #2
Make Burger Bun Dough- wrap & store
Make Flavoured Mayo- wrap & store
Parboil (boil until half way cooked) and store potatoes- wrap & store
Friday, October 6
Lab: Smash Burgers with Fresh Buns and Potato Wedges
Make Flavoured Mayo
Bake Potatoes
Bake Buns
Prep Toppings
Make Patties
Build delicious burgers!!
Week of September 25-29
Video: The Way to Cook Eggs with Julia Child
(DVD in classroom or start YouTube at 26:05)
Complete Viewing Guide & Review with whole class
Practice: Eggs- poached or scrambled eggs.
Can make toast if desired.
Prep potatoes for Tuesday's lab- dice and parboil.
Classic breakfast or French Omlette
Talk about importance of timing & sequence
-fry parboiled potatoes
-prep protein or fillings
-set table / make tea
-start eggs and toast- both last minute
-eat as a group
Show Cooked- Fire from Netflix
(See Jenna if you need login info)
Have class complete viewing guide
Time permitting, review viewing guide and
discuss reflections on the documentary.
8:55- 9:10 Post Secondary Fair in the LLC
If class needs more time with Fire video or guide, or reviewing the guide as a class, please do that first.
Article Study & Reflection Questions:
Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation
Demo: Creme Brulee
(can watch a few videos if you are unable to try the demo)