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foods 11 


​Please let Jenna McManus (in the Library or email

know if you change the dayplan or don't get something

completed so that the plan may be adjusted. 


For labs, please ensure all students are 

-putting up hair, apron on, hands washed

-washing counters and tables with hot soapy water before cooking

-putting books, bags, and jackets on bottom shelves of table to reduce hazards.


Important notes for Foods:


Please make sure that all food is put away at the end of the block.


Ensure laundry is switched over and that washer and dryer are started


Load or unload the dishwasher. Wipe counters, etc.


No students should be accessing the cafeteria area.

Please do your best to supervise the back hallway as well. 


Please do your best to keep the students in the classroom- they have been wondering a lot!


 Week of December 4-8



Introduction to Canada's Food Guide Video

Read Chapter 2 pages 

Complete History of Canada's Food Guide

and Chapter Two Exit Slip



Day One Prep: Wonton Soup & YouTube: Scallion Pancakes

Prep wontons- place on plate, cover, label, store

Time permitting- cut veggies for tmo



Day Two: Complete Wonton Soup and Scallion Pancakes



Watch Ramenmania Video

Complete Ramen Planning Sheet

Finish Food Guide assignment from Monday


Begin Comparing International Food Guides



Complete Ramen Lab & Self Reflection


 Week of November  27- December 1


Watch SFAH- Heat Episode

Complete Guide & Then review key as a class. (in room ready to go)


Nutrition & Health Chapter 10. Read page 337-347. 

Complete question sheets (photocopied and in room already). 



Today the class will watch a couple of demo videos then do prep for a lab tomorrow. 

Demo Videos: Smash Burgers- Video #1 and Video #2

Recipe Package

Make Burger Bun Dough- wrap & store

Make Flavoured Mayo- wrap & store

Parboil (boil until half way cooked) and store potatoes- wrap & store



Lab: Smash Burgers with Fresh Buns and Potato Wedges

Make Flavoured Mayo

Bake Potatoes

Bake Buns

Prep Toppings

Make Patties

Build delicious burgers!!



Watch Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Salt Episode

(on Netflix- See Jenna in the Library for login information)

Complete guide as they watch and then review key as a class. 

Sheets are photocopied and in the classroom. 



Lab: Fried Rice (already printed and on desk in classroom)

Emphasise the importance of Mise En Place-

(maybe run though the PPT quickly as a reminder)

Ask kids to prep all ingredients and


All items should be sliced, diced, eggs cracked, rice cooked, etc.

No metal tools in the non stick pans. 

No cooking extra items beyond whats in the recipe. 


Also, please circulate frequently and give lots of positive feedback about lab procedures, technical skills, and final products.




Week of November 20-23



Gnocchi Demo Videos- shwo both. They are both slightly different from our recipes but I want the kids to see some different techniques. 

Serious Eats 



Recipes- Sweet Potato with Sage Butter OR Potato Gnocchi with Pesto

Gnocchi Prep- Day One: Boil potatoes, time permitting, make dough

Please watch Unit 4 in P3- they have been talked to multiple times about making extras beyond the recipe. They did it again Friday.




Gnocchi Day Two: Shape and Cook



Reflection on lab- have each pair brainstorm two starts and a wish- two things that went well in the gnocchi lab and one thing they would change or improve if they did it again. 

Share out with class. 


Discuss FRESH pre-viewing questions (on handout- already printed and in the foods room with the DVD). Have students write written responses then discuss as a class.

Begin DVD. Note how far you get for tomorrow. 



Complete Fresh DVD and post-viewing reflection questions. Discuss as a class. 





Weel Of November 14-17



This week, students will be learning about and then making 

Lemon Meringe Pie & Pastry


Video Demo: Lemon Meringue Pie

Then more in depth pie knowledge: 

This PC > Staff (s:) > Foods> Good Eats Episodes > S0715 I Pie

Time Permitting:

Day One: Make pastry ONLY



Prep filling and meringe. Bake pies. Refrigerate over night



Enjoy pies. 

Finish reading Chapter 9 Food Insecurity

Complete Food Security in Canada excercise using text and online resources



Friday Funday! Bread Dough Challenge

Inspiration: 10 things to make with Pizza Dough

Clever Tricks to Transforms Frozen Pizza Dough






November 6-10


*Food Production Assignments should now be completed and submitted*



Introduction to Food Security

Chapter 9- Nutrition & Health


Write hook questions on the board and ask students to Think, Pair, Share:

(students have time to think about it individually, and then they work in pairs to solve the problem and share their ideas with the class)


  • When you're hungry, how does it make you feel, emotionally? Are you at your best?

  • How does this feeling make you act?

  • Do you think hunger is a major issue in Canada?

  • Who do you feel is most impacted by hunger in Canada?

Discuss these responses as a class. 


Have students get a copy of the text. Read the text to them, having them follow along or perhaps asking students to read aloud IF THEY ARE COMFORTABLE DOING SO.

Allow them to pass if they aren't. 

Read to the end of page 303 then ask students to complete the Graphic Organizer- 

Components of Food Security

Discuss as class when complete, asking students to add info they may have missed. 


Continue reading the next section, Issues Related to Food Security. 






Graffiti Review of the issues surrounding Food Security


Set up the room- (copying, charts, and textbooks are down there ready to go)


at each table, place one chart paper with a topic on top,

a set of questions, and four textbooks. 


Have students spend 8-10 minutes at each station, reading the questions then investigating the corresponding section of the textbook (page 304-316)

and recording their learning on the chart paper

Have them rotate from station to station, adding their responses and reflections



If they don't finish, they may need another day or some more time tomorrow. 

Please email Jenna to let her know how far you got! 




(photocopying finished- in classroom)

Watch Video Demo: Pad Thai

Complete Mis En Place Planning sheet (on back of recipe)


Students begin Mis En Place for tomorrow's lab:

Slice shallot, carrot and pepper into long thin strips

Place on a plate, cover, label, store overnight


This should take about 40 mins. For remaining time:

P3- read 316-323 and answer #8 A and B on page 335

P4- Finish chart activity from yesterday or do the same as P3




Pad Thai Lab




Vinagrette Demo Videos:

Lemon Vinagrette

Jacques Pepin Vinagrette Basics

Jarred Salad Planning (copied and in the room already)






Week of October 30- November 3



Final classtime for Food Production Research Project.

Collect Cottonwood lab from Ms. Perrys room upstairs (2207) Bring to 1214 for P3 & P4


If they are finished, which they probably shouldn't be:


If students are finished, they should organize their duotangs and try to collect all of the assignments they have completed. They can also do some extra cleaning and lab checks (making sure units look like they do in the pics), laundry, etc. 


Tuesday & Wednesday




Netflix: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Acid Episode

Viewing Guide- complete while watching and review with Key afterwards



Lemon Loaf




Week of October 23-27



Food Production PPT and Guided Notes

Watch Your Foodometer- Video and Reflection



Introduce Food Production Research Assignment

Allow students to begin selecting topics if they are ready, or just ask them to think about topics that resonate with them as they watch the documentary

Take a vote- the class can watch either Food, Inc or Cowspiracy

(links to trailers- show both and ask class to select one to watch together)


Provide selected guide: Food, Inc or Cowspiracy

Begin watching selected documentary on Netflix (see Jenna for login info if required)



Finish documentary

Head to LLC Computer Lab to begin work on Food Production Research Assignment



Work Period- Food Production

If students are focused they can cook tmo. If they are not using their time,

they'll need Friday for research as well. 



Friday Funday Lab: Mini Cheesecakes



Week of October 16-19



Watch mayo demo videos:

Samin Nosrat (Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat author),

Jamie Oliver

Make mayonnaise according to recipe and directions provided, 

Place into small bowl, label and store overnight.

Make Focaccia Dough



Lab: Caesar Salad & Focaccia

Turn mayo in Caesar Dressing, Shape, season and bake Focaccia



Demo Apple Galette



P3- Lab: Apple Galette

P4- Lab: Baking for Parent Teacher Night



Week of October 10-13



Netflix Video: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat- FAT Episode

* See Jenna if you need assistance

Complete Guide and Review Key with Class



Demo: Fresh Pasta and Ragu

For demo- please print the key for yourself and the copy with blanks for the students. The students will follow along and fill in the amounts as you go through the steps of the recipe.


Time Permitting- Watch Good Eats- Use Your Noodle I and complete guide 

My Computer > Staff (S:) > Foods > Good Eats Episodes > Season 1> Episode 11

*handouts are already photocopied on trolley near demo table*



Lab Day One:

 Make pasta dough. Allow to rest while you prep veggies for ragu.

Mince: garlic, onions, carrots, celery. Wrap, label, and store. 

Roll pasta dough. Store in single layer, with noodles not touching each other, on cookie sheets with paper towel between layers. Label and store. 



Complete lab:

Make Ragu, set table, etc

last minute- cook pasta (only needs about four mins)

See lab notes above.





Week of September 19-22



Demonstration: Fluffy Baked Apple Pancake

Demo notes-

  • Discuss the safety issues around putting cast iron into a very hot oven.

  • Remind students not to grab the handle without an oven mitt

  • Have students fill in recipe sheet with amounts as you demo

  • After demo or while food cooks, have students complete the review questions

  • Go over review questions with the class

  • To remove pancake from pan, hold plate over pan and flip.

  • Emphasize how careful students need to be with hot, melty sugar

Lesson: Using Cast Iron · show “Cooking with Cast Iron” Video:

· Ask students to complete the cast iron review questions. They should use their devices to find additional information not in the video. Serious Eats. com is a great resource.


Wednesday (short block)

Lab: Fluffy Baked Apple Pancake

Lab notes-

· Remind students of the importance of being so careful with hot cast iron

· Complete lab checks before dismissing students.

Ensure sinks are clean and dry and that equipment is clean and organized.

There are photos inside the cupboards to show you what this should look like.



Watch (or finish watching if they’ve started) Netflix’s Salt, Fat, Acid. Heat: HEAT episode. Complete review questions and go over these with the class.

Complete “Inflation Hits the Family Budget” reading and questions.

Review questions with the class.


Friday Friday

Funday- Soup & Crackers Lab: Vegetable Soup

using up ingredients from the fridges) and cheese biscuits




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