This week's assignment will be to find (or rather make!) some fun in the kitchen.
We are living in stressful times. Whether we are aware of it or not, stress and change are hard on our minds and bodies. There has been a huge body of research into the physical effects of stress- digestive interruptions, trouble sleeping, feelings of anxiety (heart beating quickly, feelings of dread that can manifest as an nausea), etc.
Each of us must take an active role in taking care of ourselves.
How can we work to keep our bodies and minds healthy?
Have fun.
Find joy in small moments.
Your assignment this week:
Choose at least one activity from the options below. Take photos as you go and send them to me. Then, tell me two other things you did this week as self care. Here are some ideas.
Stay safe out there! I miss all of you!
Wash your hands.
Anagram Meal

Anagram Meal
Create an anagram meal- choose one ingredient and plan & prepare a meal using other ingredients from the letter in that word. For example:
C- chicken
O- orzo
R- radishes
N- nuts

Fusion Meal
Fusion Meal. This week, we learned our school will have two names- a fusion of two histories! How exciting! Create a food item that combines two culinary traditions.
A Happy Meal
Prepare a food that brings you joy or makes you laugh! In my family, artichokes are always a really fun addition to meals- my kids race to see who can make a taller tower from discarded leaves. And you know how hard I always laugh when I show you how to spatchcock a chicken!

Chopped at Home
Allow someone else in your household to choose one strange item that you have to feature in your dish. For example, I have one random can of Bean with Bacon soup in my cupboard
(what? why!? I don't know.)

Class It Up
Class up some Junk Food. Check out some fancy plating ideas online and then plate some processed/junk/treat food into an impressive plate. Check out this Chef's take on it. Bonus fun if you make up a fancy name!

Hack Your Noodles
Hack some homemade pasta. Use tools you already have in your kitchen to make some classic pasta shapes. Find out how here.
Love Money?
Like the idea of Kitchen Hacks? Make some money at it! This contest asks you to make a short video- submit it and you could win $1000

Do a Demo