create a restaurant Assignment
This large assignment should be broken down by section to feel more manageable. Aim for about one section per week.
Section One- Basics
Determine a plan for your restaurant- will it be a café or bistro, fast food, food truck, family restaurant, fine dining, or something else? How would you describe the restaurant in a couple of sentences?
List three things that will make your restaurant unique- how would you set yourself apart? Assume you are opening your business in Prince George, unless you really want to go for somewhere else.
List three pros and three cons of this type of establishment (for example, if you have a breakfast café, you’ll have very early mornings, but you might close for dinner each night)
Brainstorm 3-5 names for your restaurant. With your favourite one, create a logo- with at least text, but could be with an image as well. You can use your own skills to draw, paint, etc or use an online service like https://www.freelogodesign.org/
What kind of atmosphere do you want to create? Describe or draw your ideal location or copy and paste some images from the internet of the look you would like to achieve. Do this for the interior and exterior.
Section Two- Menu
Create a menu for your restaurant.
Create a menu with at least 3 appetizers, 5 main entrees, 2 desserts. No alcoholic drinks on this menu. Include descriptions and pricing of each item.
If you have a different type of restaurant such as a bubble tea shop or coffee shop, adjust the menu accordingly.
Add the logo to the menu
Test out at least one menu item by making it and take a picture of you making it or with the final product.
Section Three- Advertising and Promotion
Determine how you will get the word out about your restaurant. A website with menus, maps, etc might be a good idea- Wix.com has many restaurant site templates ready to use!
Create an online or print advertisement or commercial. Canva.com has very cool free editors that work really nicely for social media applications.
Section Four- Presentation
Include all of the above information in an attractive presentation (format of your choosing – website, power-point, prezi, video, pictures, word document, etc)
Links and Resources
There are many articles and videos online that give you advice on this first stage. A few that I checked out are:
What you should know about opening a restaurant:
There is a ton of online information on starting a business in the food service area. Some of this information will irrelevant for this assignment but you may find it kind of interesting. I would recommend you choose something that appeals to you and the type of food you like.
A restaurant logo is a visible symbol by which customers will recognize your venue.For example: the golden arches or big M for McDonalds. Your logo can convince customers that your restaurant is worth visiting.It can be used on business cards, menus, uniforms, advertisements etc.
Here are a few websites that give ideas:
How to create a restaurant logo: guidelines and tips https://www.logaster.com/blog/restaurant-logo/
Restaurant Logo Designhttps://looka.com/logo-ideas/restaurant-logo-design/